Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Busy bee & deadline hell

My week has been busy as fuck and it’s only Tuesday! What the hell? All my important deadlines and exams are on this week and naturally I’m screwed because I didn’t start on time. I never does. Maybe I will learn it, life would be so much easier and less stressful if I’d learn to make everything on time.

I just finished my essay about communication and how that worked in media during the election. I was little bit freaking out what came to that essay and everything but after all it was pretty easy to write and finish. Only took me about two hours. Deadline coming is probably my best motivation haha.

Also finished my producer portfolio. It was little bit difficult to make since the wasn’t this one right way to do it – every did it in their way. I made mine with iBooks Author so it looks like a book now. I’m not 100% happy with it but I hope my coach will be happy with it when we are going to show them to everyone tomorrow morning.

Talking about tomorrow I’m actually excited it about it because a movie producer is coming to talk to us and we are not in our campus so no 45-minute traveling tomorrow, yay! Haha. Also, my washer will arrive tomorrow. I haven’t owned one for a almost two years now so I’m super happy to finally get one. Can’t wait to wash all my clothes, it will be my favorite housework for now on.

My weekend was busy even tho I had 5 days off but still had lot of things to do. On last Friday we watched Suicide Squad with my very good friend and ate sushi as well. It was so nice and I can tell you, the extended version of that movie is so much better than the theatrical version is. On earlier that day I was kinda working, because we have this huge Christmas project going on with my class and the city of Turku. So I stood three hours outside and guarded when the stage was build etc. It was okay but the weather felt super cold and after half an hour I couldn’t felt my fingers or toes anymore haha. But I survived and had a nice day all at once.

On Saturday was the Christmas Street opening. I was supposed to go but there was other things that came and fucked up my plans. But my class mates made really good job with the opening and I’m so proud of them!

Sunday…I think I just laid in my bed and procrastinate everything. I knew I was supposed to study but it felt just so difficult. But I actually got some energy somewhere and studied. I started my portfolio and made most of it on Sunday.

On Monday my parents came to see me and brought some Christmas stuff for me. I’m not a huge fan of Christmas but it’s nice to have some lights etc. I didn’t have anything last year because I was abroad for whole Christmas and New Year as well. This year, I will go to my parent and probably spent las of this year and New Year there as well. Sounds relaxing actually but we will see.
I also had development discussion with my coach and we talked about my future plans, my first internship and all that kind of things. It was actually pretty nice one-hour conversation.

Today I didn’t had school but we had two meeting. I was supposed to get up early and go to the library to study but I just couldn’t get up so I slept in and started my day from the first meeting. I also bought something super nice today but I’m going to write about that late. And I want to show you my Christmas lights too, but I want to have good pics, not just these iPhone snaps. At the moment I just don’t have to photograph stuff and the amount of light is also so limited, I hate it. But I promise to try my best for now on! Now I’m going to continue reading for my Swedish exam which is on Thursday.

Most of the pics here are from my snapchat and if you want to follow my life more, just free to follow me there. You find me as idaneedshelp.

Have a nice week!


Friday, November 25, 2016

Cultural management studies at University of Applied Sciences

What is it like to study cultural management in uni? To be honest, I can't tell that much yet since I "just" started by myself as well. So yes, I'm a first year student.

I started to study at Turku University of Applied sciences on this September. This is the dream school for me and it took me couple of years to get in. I was afraid that I won't be able to make it this year either but I did it and now I don't need to stress what am I going to do for the next four years.

click the picture to go on the page of my school

For me it was "easy" to start uni because I didn't need to stress about moving and having apartment and all that kind of stuff since I was living here in Turku already. I was super exited but nervous about this. Like I said, it have been few years since I studied full time and this is my first university experience.

Beside the fact it's called university, we are not traditional university. We do more practical things and we don't have that much lectures. Of course we have those as well, but those are super laid back and educational at the same time. If you don't want to sit during the lecture, you don't have to. You can stand, walk around or lay in the ground if you want. We also have blankets and pillows so we can make ourselves comfortable during the day.Plus we don't have presence responsibility on our classes. It depends on us do we wanna attend or not. Of course if you want to pass all you courses, you need to attend but no one is going to call after you if you won't show up.

Another different thing is that we don't have professors or teacher, we have coaches. Our coaches (we generally still talk about teacher or then just call them for their first names) wants us to think them as "part of the team" or co-workers more than teachers. They want everyone to be equal. I think that's a great thing to have in classroom and I like the fact that they are treating us like adults, what we all are.

I dislike the fact that many people think this is not a "real" school or/and real hard work studying since they don't know anything about the degree program. But it is a real one and I'm doing my bachelor of Cultural management and I'm going to be a producer.  We have exams, we write essays and we do research just like other students do.

What can I don't after I graduate? That's a very good question since there's a lot of things I can do with this degree. I can work at TV and movie industry, in theatre world or organize festival or art shows. There is so much things I could do, I'm actually super confused about it by myself.
Every morning it takes me about 45 minutes to get to my school. For some reason our school is located in the middle of nothing in archipelago. So yes, my school is located on an island “outside” the city. It’s a really beautiful place during the summer and fall but at the moment it is just super cold and grey. When we still had snow, the road to my school was let’s say very interesting. The building where we are studying isn’t super modern and fancy, actually its not modern at all. Our department of the university of applied sciences have rented classrooms from another institute. So basically we don’t even have our own “school building”. But hey, at least we have a golf course, swimming pool and sauna. And we are close the sea as well!

First two years we are going to be at Harjattula, in the middle of nothing, and then last two years we are going to be at Logomo. Logomo is this event and conference centre here in Turku. Luckily it’s little bit closer the city, which I’m more than happy about.

All the studying material we have is on internet so we don’t have to buy books, which is good because books are expensive as hell. Of course there is some books our coaches recommend to us but we don’t have to buy them if we don’t want to. Even tho I like “the old style” writing on the paper and stuff, we are using a lot of computers and everyone on our class must have a computer or iPad so you can work and study. I’m basically carrying my MacBook with me every day because it’s so easy to check on things from it on any time.

When I started studying we had to write this essay about where we see us in 10 years. Then I wrote about how I see myself organizing big festivals and other events. I was super sure that was my thing. That's why I actually applied this uni.

Now I'm not sure at all what I want. It hit me right in the face after we got our first projects and both of them were (another one still is) event organizing. I never ever want to do that in my life again. It's definitely not my thing at all. There's too many moving pieces and too many people doing the same thing. At least in our projects. It gets into my nerves way too much and I don't have, at least yet, any way to control it and make it better.

I was aware when I applied that we are going to do group projects and that this line of business is all about group work and projects. I'm still a person who likes to work alone because then I know everything will be done on time. Don't wanna sound like a bitch, I'm not a perfect human being by myself either, not even close. I just don't trust people and that they would do their jobs. Because most of the times, they won't. I can work in groups and be a part of a group, but I need to get the feeling that I can trust everyone. If I won't get that feeling, I'd rather do things by myself.

I have to develop on that and I'm working on it. Sometimes you just have to stop in front of the mirror and think what you're doing and could you do things differently. It's difficult but it's also something you have to do so you can grow up as a person.

I think there was quite much information about how my studying is. Of course you have any questions or you want to know more about something, leave comment below and I will answer!
